Town Council - 5/20/24

Show Details

5/20/2024 6:55:00 PM


Call to Order 00:00:00

Pledge of Allegiance 00:00:07

Roll Call 00:00:23

Meeting Minutes 00:01:02

Approve Consent Agenda 00:02:27

Resolutions – First Read/Waiver - Salem School District – Request to Withdraw $875,000 from School Impact Fees to Offset Bond Payments for School Renovations 00:02:51

Accept $3,500 Donation from Greater Salem Lions Club for Installation of Bike Repair Station on Rail Trail at Massachusetts State Line 00:04:26

Discussion on Tuscan Public Safety Lease Agreement 00:06:01

Discussion on Bridge Street Bridge Reconstruction and Authorize Signing of Municipal Agreement with NH Department of Transportation 00:09:05

Resolutions – First Read - Accept Donation of $24,122 from Friends of Salem Recreation and Authorize use of $44,000 in Recreation Impact Fees for Construction of a Basketball Court and Two Shuffleboard Courts at Hedgehog Park 00:11:52

Discussion on Return of Expired Impact Fees 00:23:06

Consider Request by Nouria Energy Retail for a Waiver of Salem Municipal Code (SMC) Chapter 477, Section 14 (Water) Requiring Installation of a Well for Commercial Irrigation System 00:27:47

Consider Adoption of Salem Municipal Code (SMC) Chapter 458 - Utility Polls, Wires and Equipment Ordinance 00:34:52

Resolutions – First Read/Waiver - Discussion on Tuscan Public Safety Lease Agreement 00:37:39

Consider implementation of Salem Commercial and Industrial Property Tax Incentive Program in Accordance with RSA 72:81 00:40:31

Discussion on Use of ARPA Funds 00:47:45

Resolutions – Second Read/Adoption - Public Hearing - Accept $29,283 Grant from NH Department of Environmental Services (DES), Local Water Source Protection Program for Arlington Pond 00:51:36

Public Hearing – Accept $46,640 Grant from the NH Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) for Window Restoration at Old Town Hall 00:54:35

New Business - Municipal Building Advisory Committee (MBAC) Update 01:07:06

Winter Weather Wrap Up 01:19:03

Update on Litter Cleanup Efforts 01:26:39

Town Council - Goal Setting 01:28:12

Town Manager’s Report/Questions from Town Council 01:39:09

Old Business/Tabled and Pending 01:47:01

Upcoming Meetings 01:50:19

• June 3, 2024 • June 17, 2024

Adjourn 01:50:32

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