Conservation Commission 6/5/24

Show Details

6/5/2024 5:55:00 PM


Call to Order 00:00:00

Pledge of Allegiance 00:00:08

Roll Call 00:00:28

Presentation from Tim Roache from Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC) 00:00:55

Presentation from Justin Baldridge re Eagle Scout Project 00:27:55

Town of Salem, NH / McFarland Johnson, Helen Road Roadway and Drainage Improvements 00:51:55

Review of NHDES Expedited Minimum Impact Wetlands Permit Application for roadway and drainage improvements between 3 and 5 Helen Road. a. Expedited Minimum Impact Wetlands Permit Application – certify that the Conservation Commission has reviewed the application and waive right to intervene

GPI, 417 South Broadwa 01:10:45

Review of Conditional Use Permits for the construction of a paved parking area within 7’ of a wetland and construction of a building addition within 27’ of a wetland where a 40’ setback is required for each a. Conditional Use Permits recommendations to the Planning Board

Review and Approval of Town Forest Beaver Deceiver Quote 01:22:13

Review of Minutes – April 22 and April 30 minutes delayed until July 10 meeting. 01:34:15

a. Review / Approval of May 1 minutes

Conservation Fund Report – April 2024 01:38:30

Town Forest 01:40:28

Conservation Commission Goals – Adopting Town Forest Goals delayed until July 10 meeting. 01:49:47

Other 01:56:55

Adjourn 02:26:59

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