Planning Board 6/11/24

Show Details

6/11/2024 6:55:00 PM


Call to Order 00:00:00

Pledge of Allegiance 00:00:08

Roll Call 00:00:26

Old Business - Delta MB, LLC 00:01:40

Public Hearing for conditional use permit for additional signage and signage exceeded permitted size at 265 South Broadway, Map 128, Lot 724. Continued from 4/23/24. Approved with Conditions 6/0

Old Business - Tuscan Village Master Development Subdivision Plan 00:30:33

Public Hearing for two-lot subdivision at 11 Artisan Drive Map 98, Lot 7887 and Map 108, Lot 12658. Continued from 5/28/24. Approved with Conditions 6/0

New Business - Tuscan Block 2000, LLC Site Plan 00:37:25

Public Hearing for 4,541 sq. ft. conservatory building (outdoor banquet facility) at 14-18 Artisan Drive, Map 108, Lot 12651. Approved with Conditions 6/0

Public Matters 01:03:42

Planning Board Matters - Discussion on Revisions to Rules of Procedure 01:11:23

Adjourn 01:26:07

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