Zoning Board of Adjustment 11/7/24

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11/7/2024 12:00:00 AM


Call to Order 00:00:00

Roll Call 00:00:07

Petition #01 - 48 and 50 Joseph Road 00:02:42

DYLAN DASILVA hereby requests a VARIANCE from Article III, Section 490-301C (1) of the Zoning Ordinance to permit a lot line adjustment resulting in one lot (Map 80, Lot 3150) having 22,754 sq. ft. and another lot (Map 80, Lot 3149) having 66.19 ft of frontage where 25,000 sq. ft. and 125 ft is required on a curved street in the Residential District. Grant 4/0

Petition #05 - 55 Millville Circle 00:11:48

DOROTHY A. PAYELIAN hereby requests a VARIANCE from Article III, Section 490-301C (1) of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the existing dwelling to be razed and replaced with a 2-bedroom dwelling with an 8.5 ft left and right setback and a 27.1 ft front setback where a 15 ft side setback and a 30 ft front setback is required in the Residential District. Grant with Stipulations 4/0

Petition #02 - 16 School Street 00:26:53

ZACHARY DROLETTE & MICHAELLA MARGARET NIRO hereby request a VARIANCE from Article III, Section 490-301 B(1) & C(1) of the Zoning Ordinance to permit a third residential unit (3bedroom apartment) to be constructed in an existing barn attached to a two-family dwelling on a lot with 162.11' of frontage where 230' of frontage is required and multifamily residential is a non-permitted use in the Residential District. Tabled 4/0

Petition #03 - 355 North Main Street 01:17:16

THE KHOURY FAMILY TRUST, ANDRE & STELLA KHOURY, TRUSTEES hereby requests an EQUITABLE WAIVER OF DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS under the provisions of RSA: 674:33-a, from Article III, Section 490-804 to allow existing stairs to remain 13’ from the highwater mark where 18.6’ was originally approved and 50 ft. is required. Grant 4/0

Petition #04 - 24 Millville Circle 01:26:47

LAURIE PERRY hereby requests a VARIANCE from Article III, Section 490-301C (1) of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the construction of a year-round dwelling on a lot with frontage of 43.46', lot size of 3305 s.f., front setback of 26.5', left side setback of 10' & right side setback of 12.5', rear setback of 15' and lot width of 46.05' at the building line where 150' of frontage, 35,500 s.f. lot size by soils, 30' front setback, 15' side setback, 30' rear setback and lot width of 100' at the building line are required in the Residential District. Grant with 2 conditions 4/0

Review of Minutes 01:40:57

1. September 3, 2024 – Regular Meeting 2. October 1, 2024 – Regular Meeting

Zoning Board Matters 01:43:03

Adjourn 01:44:06

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